Here you will find the listings for the Pokemon toys & figures that we are currently buying and the prices we are paying for them. We have listed vinyl figures, toys, plush and more.
Requirements to sell us sealed Pokemon Cards:
- Must be in new & sealed condition.
Jazwares Pokemon Articulated Battle Figure 2-Pack - ABRA & TOTODILE (2 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 889933950077
We Pay: $4.00
Jazwares Pokemon Articulated Battle Figure 2-Pack - AIPOM & PIKACHU (2 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 889933950077
We Pay: $3.00
Jazwares Pokemon Articulated Battle Figure 2-Pack - DEINO & VULPIX (2 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 889933950077
We Pay: $3.00
Jazwares Pokemon Articulated Battle Figure 2-Pack - LARVITAR & CYNDAQUIL (2 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 889933950077
We Pay: $3.00
Jazwares Pokemon Articulated Battle Figure 2-Pack - MACHOP & SNUBBULL (2 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 889933950077
We Pay: $3.00
Jazwares Pokemon Articulated Battle Figure 2-Pack - PIKACHU & CHIKORITA (2 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 889933950077
We Pay: $3.00
Jazwares Pokemon Articulated Battle Figure - ABSOL (3 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 889933950077
We Pay: $5.00
Jazwares Pokemon Articulated Battle Figure - FLAREON (3 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 889933950077
We Pay: $3.00
Jazwares Pokemon Articulated Battle Figure - GASTLY (3 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 889933950077
We Pay: $4.00
Jazwares Pokemon Articulated Battle Figure - HAWLUCHA (3 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 889933950077
We Pay: $5.00
Jazwares Pokemon Articulated Battle Figure - IVYSAUR (3 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 889933950077
We Pay: $3.00
Jazwares Pokemon Articulated Battle Figure - PSYDUCK (3 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 889933950077
We Pay: $3.00
Jazwares - Pokemon Clip 'N' Go Poke Ball & Figure - GIBLE w/ Quick Ball (3 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 889933950572
We Pay: $6.00
Jazwares - Pokemon Clip 'N' Go Poke Ball & Figure - MORPEKO (Hangry Mode) w/ Poke Ball (3 inch) (Min
UPC Barcode = 889933950572
We Pay: $4.00
Jazwares - Pokemon Clip 'N' Go Poke Ball & Figure - PIKACHU w/ Repeat Ball (3 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 889933950572
We Pay: $3.00
Jazwares - Pokemon Clip 'N' Go Poke Ball & Figure - ROWLET w/ Nest Ball (3 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 889933950572
We Pay: $4.00
Jazwares - Pokemon Clip 'N' Go Poke Ball & Figure - SCORBUNNY w/ Quick Ball (3 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 889933950572
We Pay: $6.00
Jazwares - Pokemon Clip 'N' Go Poke Ball & Figure - TOTODILE w/ Dive Ball (3 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 889933950572
We Pay: $4.00
Jazwares - Pokemon Clip 'N' Go S1 Poke Ball & Figure - PIKACHU w/ Premier Ball (3 inch) (New)
UPC Barcode = 889933950572
We Pay: $3.00
Jazwares - Pokemon Clip 'N' Go S4 Poke Ball & Figure - PIPLUP w/ Dive Ball (3 inch) (New)
UPC Barcode = 889933950572
We Pay: $6.00
Jazwares - Pokemon Clip 'N' Go S4 Poke Ball & Figure - RIOLU w/ Ultra Ball (3 inch) (New)
UPC Barcode = 889933950572
We Pay: $4.00
Jazwares - Pokemon Clip 'N' Go S5 Poke Ball & Figure - SNEASEL w/ Dusk Ball (3 inch) (New)
UPC Barcode = 889933950572
We Pay: $4.00
Jazwares - Pokemon Clip 'N' Go S5 Poke Ball & Figure - TEDDIURSA w/ Poke Ball (3 inch) (New)
UPC Barcode = 889933950572
We Pay: $2.00
Jazwares - Pokemon Clip 'N' Go S5 Poke Ball & Figure - TOXEL w/ Great Ball (3 inch) (New)
UPC Barcode = 889933950572
We Pay: $3.00
Jazwares - Pokemon Plush - SLEEPING BULBASAUR (5 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 191726711568
We Pay: $4.00
Jazwares - Pokemon Plush - SLEEPING IGGLYBUFF (5 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 191726711568
We Pay: $4.00
Jazwares - Pokemon Plush - SLEEPING PIKACHU (5 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 191726711568
We Pay: $3.00
Jazwares - Pokemon Clip-On Plush - BULBASAUR (4 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 191726711551
We Pay: $4.00
Jazwares - Pokemon Clip-On Plush - CHARMANDER (4 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 191726711551
We Pay: $5.00
Jazwares - Pokemon Clip-On Plush - SQUIRTLE (4 inch) (Mint)
UPC Barcode = 191726711551
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon Trading Card Board Game - BATTLE ACADEMY (3 Decks, 3 Deck Boxes & Much More) (2 Players) (Ne
UPC Barcode = 820650809064
We Pay: $3.00