Here you will find listings for the Magic the Gathering Cards that we are currently buying and the prices we are paying for them. We purchase most Magic the Gathering Cards in bulk for the following prices:
- MYTHIC RARE $0.15 each (these are all Red Symbol cards)
- RARES $0.05 each (these are the Gold Symbol cards)
- COMMONS/UNCOMMONS (3 for $0.01) (these are the Black & Silver Symbol cards)
We have 2 options to sell Magic the Gathering:
#1. You can view the individual listing prices for each Magic card and add the ones you want to sell to your basket. The easiest way to find Magic cards is to use the links below or the search box.
#2. You can sell your collection in bulk at flat prices without looking each card up one at a time. See the bulk listings below.
Requirements to sell us Magic the Gathering Cards:
- Must be in Mint (or like new) condition. This is very important & means that the cards should be like new as if they came directly out the packs. They should have No bends, creases, scratches, marks, white edges, folds etc...
- Must be the regular US version (no foreign or fake cards)
(Basically, If you kept your cards stored away & protected, then we are likely to purchase them. On the other hand, if your cards were used & played with, that caused them to get damaged then we can't use them)
If you have really old or rare Magic the Gathering single cards, packs, boxes or decks please email us directly. Let us know what you have
and asking price
We Pay: $0.00
Magic the Gathering Cards - Guildpact FAT PACK (6 Booster Packs, 40-Card Basic Land Pack & more) (Ne
UPC Barcode = 653569064466
We Pay: $65.00
Magic the Gathering Cards - Coldsnap Theme Deck - AUROCHS STAMPEDE (New)
UPC Barcode = 653569170433
We Pay: $6.00
Magic the Gathering Cards - Coldsnap Theme Deck - SNOWSCAPE (New)
UPC Barcode = 653569170433
We Pay: $6.00
Magic the Gathering Cards - Dissension Theme Deck - AZORIUS ASCENDANT (New)
UPC Barcode = 653569065937
We Pay: $4.00
Magic the Gathering Cards - Dissension Theme Deck - SIMIC MUTOLOGY (New)
UPC Barcode = 653569065937
We Pay: $6.00
Magic the Gathering Cards - Guildpact Theme Deck - GRUUL WILDING (New)
UPC Barcode = 653569064381
We Pay: $3.00
Magic the Gathering Cards - Guildpact Theme Deck - IZZET GIZMOMETRY (New)
UPC Barcode = 653569064381
We Pay: $3.00
Magic the Gathering Intro Pack - Journey into Nyx - PANTHEON'S POWER (New)
UPC Barcode = 653569894063
We Pay: $2.00
Magic the Gathering Cards - Coldsnap - BOOSTER PACK (15 Cards) (New)
UPC Barcode = 653569170303
We Pay: $4.00
Magic the Gathering Cards - Dissension - BOOSTER PACK (15 Cards) (New)
UPC Barcode = 653569066262
We Pay: $3.00
Magic the Gathering Cards - Guildpact - BOOSTER PACK (15 Cards) (New)
UPC Barcode = 653569064022
We Pay: $3.00
Magic the Gathering Cards - Scourge - BOOSTER PACK (15 Cards) (New)
UPC Barcode = 076930963661
We Pay: $3.00