Here you will find information about the Barbie products that we are currently buying and the prices we are paying for them. Values are updated weekly depending on desirability. We have over 2500 Barbies listes with prices.

You can view the individual listing prices for each Barbie and add the ones you want to sell to your basket. The easiest way to find Barbies is to search the UPC barcode that is on the box or type in the name of the Barbie itself.
It is usually easier to search the UPC barcode number. Typically only the last 5 or 6 digits is needed to locate the product.

Requirements to sell us Barbie items:
- Must be in new original packaging (unopened & sealed).
- Clean (no damage, yellowing, crushing or price stickers)
- Odor free (no smoke, animal scents or any other bad odor)

(Basically, If you kept your items stored away & clean, then we are likely to purchase them. On the other hand, if your items were used as toys and played with, then we most likely won't be interested in purchasing.)


Barbie 2000 Olympic Pin Collector

UPC Barcode = 074299256448

We Pay: $0.50

Barbie 2000 Olympic Pin Collection

UPC Barcode = 074299263026

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie 2000 President

UPC Barcode = 074299273056

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie 2000 Princess Bride

UPC Barcode = 074299282515

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie 2003 Special Occasion

UPC Barcode = 027084001440

We Pay: $6.00

Barbie 2000 Sydney Olympic

UPC Barcode = 074299260520

We Pay: $3.00

Barbie 2003 Holiday Visions Winter Fantasy

UPC Barcode = 027084023152

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie 35th Anniversary

UPC Barcode = 091165020869

We Pay: $0.50

Barbie 35th Anniversary (Wal-Mart)

UPC Barcode = 074299172458

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie 35th Anniversary Blonde 1994

UPC Barcode = 074299115905

We Pay: $6.00

Barbie 35th Anniversary Brunette 1994

UPC Barcode = 074299117824

We Pay: $6.00

Barbie 35th Anniversary Giftset 1994

UPC Barcode = 074299115912

We Pay: $15.00

Barbie 30th Anniversary Disney Celebration

UPC Barcode = 074299526473

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie 30th Anniversary Francie 1996

UPC Barcode = 074299146084

We Pay: $6.00

Barbie 30th Anniversary KEN 1991

UPC Barcode = 074299011108

We Pay: $4.00

We Pay: $12.00

Barbie 35th Anniversary Midge Giftset 1998

UPC Barcode = 074299189760

We Pay: $12.00

Barbie 3-Story Dream Townhouse

UPC Barcode = 027084700251

We Pay: $75.00

Barbie 3 Looks

UPC Barcode = 074299123399

We Pay: $1.00

We Pay: $20.00

Barbie 45th Anniversary AA 2004

UPC Barcode = 027084180220

We Pay: $20.00

Barbie 40th Anniversary AA 1999

UPC Barcode = 074299223365

We Pay: $20.00

Barbie 45th Anniversary Blonde 2004

UPC Barcode = 027084069891

We Pay: $10.00

Barbie 40th Anniversary Caucasian 1999

UPC Barcode = 074299213847

We Pay: $2.00

Barbie 45th Anniversary 2004

UPC Barcode = 465386100001

We Pay: $6.00

Barbie 45th Anniversary KEN 2006

UPC Barcode = 027084293371

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie 40th Anniversary Ken 2001

UPC Barcode = 074299507229

We Pay: $6.00

Barbie 40th Anniversary Sleeping Beauty

UPC Barcode = 074299217128

We Pay: $20.00

Barbie 50th Anniversary AA 2009

UPC Barcode = 027084683103

We Pay: $6.00

Barbie 50th Anniversary Blonde 2009

UPC Barcode = 027084675306

We Pay: $25.00

Barbie 50th Anniversary 1995

UPC Barcode = 074299144790

We Pay: $6.00

Barbie 50th Anniversary Nascar 1998

UPC Barcode = 074299204425

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie 50th Anniversary Skipper 2014

UPC Barcode = 746775290801

We Pay: $20.00

Barbie 60th Ann. Snow White and 7 Dwarves

UPC Barcode = 074299189777

We Pay: $3.00

Barbie 70's Disco

UPC Barcode = 074299199295

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie 90210 Brenda

UPC Barcode = 074299015724

We Pay: $8.00

Barbie 90210 Dylan

UPC Barcode = 074299015748

We Pay: $25.00

Barbie Armani 2003

UPC Barcode = 027084023176

We Pay: $6.00

Barbie Arctic 1997

UPC Barcode = 433599027446

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie Astronaut (black)

UPC Barcode = 074299121500

We Pay: $6.00

Barbie Aquarius 2005

UPC Barcode = 027084130706

We Pay: $12.00

Barbie Aries 2005

UPC Barcode = 027084130720

We Pay: $15.00

Barbie Arctic

UPC Barcode = 074299164958

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie Airplane

UPC Barcode = 074299220074

We Pay: $75.00

Barbie Aphrodite 2009

UPC Barcode = 027084675696

We Pay: $50.00

Barbie Amazonia 2009

UPC Barcode = 027084743029

We Pay: $15.00