Any Pokemon Common or Uncommon Card - VINTAGE (dated 2006 and before) (Mint)

We Pay: $0.02

Any Pokemon Common or Uncommon Card - VINTAGE (dated 2006 and before) (Mint)

We Pay: $0.02
Any Pokemon Common or Uncommon Card - VINTAGE (dated 2006 and before) (Mint)


"Vintage" Commons & Uncommons are dated 2006 and before. These are the ones with a "Circle" in the lower right corner
Uncommons are the ones with a "Diamond" in the lower right corner

Energy Cards are not included in this listing. Trainer cards can be included but no more than 10%

To sell these cards to us they must be Mint Condition. Mint condition means No bends, scratches, marks, white edges, creases etc...

Excessive amounts of the same card should be limited. If you are planning to send a lot of the same card please contact us. To sell these cards to us they must be Mint Condition. Mint condition means No bends, scratches, marks, white edges, folds etc...