Here you will find the listings for the sealed Pokemon Cards that we are currently buying and the prices we are paying for them. We have listed Packs, Decks, Boxes, Tins and more.
Requirements to sell us sealed Pokemon Cards:
- Must be in new & sealed condition.
- Must be the regular US version (no foreign or fake cards)
Pokemon Cards - SHINY CROBAT VMAX (7 Shining Fates Packs, 2 Foils, 1 Oversize Foil & More) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808715
We Pay: $12.00
Pokemon Cards - SHINY DRAGAPULT VMAX (7 Shining Fates Packs, 2 Foils, 1 Oversize Foil & More) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808715
We Pay: $12.00
Pokemon Cards - Spring 2022 COLLECTOR'S BUNDLE (7 Packs, 3 Promo Cards, Coin, Stickers & More) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650851346
We Pay: $6.00
Pokemon Cards - TAPU KOKO BOX (1 Oversize GX Foil, 1 Foil, 3 Packs) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650802836
We Pay: $6.00
Pokemon Cards - RAPID STRIKE URSHIFU V BOX (2 Foils, 4 Packs & 1 Oversize Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808432
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon Cards - SINGLE STRIKE URSHIFU V BOX (2 Foils, 4 Packs & 1 Oversize Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808432
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon Cards - VAPOREON VMAX PREMIUM COLLECTION (6 packs, Large Coin, Pin, Oversize Card, Foils) (N
UPC Barcode = 820650851308
We Pay: $20.00
Pokemon Cards - VENUSAUR VMAX BATTLE BOX (1 Foil, 1 Oversize Foil, 65 Sleeves & 4 Booster Packs) (Ne
UPC Barcode = 820650808456
We Pay: $12.00
Pokemon Cards - ZACIAN V-UNION SPECIAL COLLECTION (4 Boosters, 4 Foils & 1 Jumbo Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809071
We Pay: $6.00
Pokemon XY - 2017 Collectors Tin Set - Elite Trainer Deck Shield - TAPU FINI (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650802461
We Pay: $5.00
Pokemon XY - 2017 Collectors Tin Set - Elite Trainer Deck Shield - TAPU KOKO (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650802461
We Pay: $5.00
Pokemon XY - 2018 Collectors Tin Set - Elite Trainer Deck Shield - LUNALA (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650803758
We Pay: $6.00
Pokemon XY - 2018 Collectors Tin Set - Elite Trainer Deck Shield - SOLGALEO (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650803758
We Pay: $6.00
Pokemon 2021 Shining Fates V Collectors Tin - CRAMORANT V (6 Packs & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809507
We Pay: $6.00
Pokemon 2021 Shining Fates V Collectors Tin - BOLTUND V (6 Packs & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809507
We Pay: $6.00
Pokemon 2021 Shining Fates V Collectors Tin - ELDEGOSS V (6 Packs & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809507
We Pay: $6.00
Pokemon Spring 2021 Collectors Poke Ball Tin - POKE BALL (3 packs & 1 Coin) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808425
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon Spring 2021 Collectors Poke Ball Tin - GREAT BALL (3 packs & 1 Coin) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808425
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon Spring 2021 Collectors Poke Ball Tin - LEVEL BALL (3 packs & 1 Coin) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808425
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon Spring 2021 Collectors Poke Ball Tin - PREMIER BALL (3 packs & 1 Coin) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808425
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon Spring 2021 Collectors Poke Ball Tin - ULTRA BALL (3 packs & 1 Coin) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650808425
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon 2021 V Strikers Collectors Tin - EMPOLEON V (5 Packs & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809552
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon 2021 V Strikers Collectors Tin - TYRANITAR V (5 Packs & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809552
We Pay: $6.00
Pokemon - Fall 2021 Celebrations Collector Chest TIN SET (8 Packs, Foils, Coin, Album & More) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809415
We Pay: $8.00
Pokemon - Spring 2021 Collector Chest TIN SET (5 Packs, 2 Foils, 2 Coins, Stickers, Album & More) (N
UPC Barcode = 820650808449
We Pay: $5.00
We Pay: $5.00
We Pay: $4.00
We Pay: $5.00
Pokemon Fall 2021 Collectors Poke Ball Tin - POKE BALL (3 packs & 1 Coin) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809767
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon Fall 2021 Collectors Poke Ball Tin - GREAT BALL (3 packs & 1 Coin) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809767
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon Fall 2021 Collectors Poke Ball Tin - LUXURY BALL (3 packs & 1 Coin) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809767
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon Fall 2021 Collectors Poke Ball Tin - QUICK BALL (3 packs & 1 Coin) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809767
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Fall 2021 Collectors Poke Ball Tin - PREMIER BALL (3 packs & 1 Coin) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809767
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon Fall 2021 Collectors Poke Ball Tin - ULTRA BALL (3 packs & 1 Coin) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809767
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon 2022 Collectors Stacking Tin - GRASS TIN (Green) (3 Packs & 1 Coin) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809088
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon 2022 Collectors Stacking Tin - LIGHTNING TIN (Yellow) (3 Packs & 1 Coin) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809088
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon 2022 Collectors Stacking Tin - WATER TIN (Blue) (3 Packs & 1 Coin) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809088
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon 2022 V Heroes Collectible Sealed Tin - ESPEON V (5 Packs & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650851322
We Pay: $4.00
Pokemon 2022 V Heroes Collectible Sealed Tin - SYLVEON V (5 Packs & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650851322
We Pay: $5.00
Pokemon 2022 V Heroes Collectible Sealed Tin - UMBREON V (5 Packs & 1 Foil) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650851322
We Pay: $6.00
Pokemon Celebrations Mini Tin - ALOLA STARTERS (Litten, Popplio & Rowlet) (3 Packs & More) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809378
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Celebrations Mini Tin - GALAR STARTERS (Sobble, Grookey & Scorbunny) (3 Packs & More) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809378
We Pay: $2.00
Pokemon Celebrations Mini Tin - HOENN STARTERS (Treecko, Torchic & Mudkip) (3 Packs & More) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809378
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Celebrations Mini Tin - JOHTO STARTERS (Cyndaquil, Totodile & Chikorita) (3 Packs & More) (N
UPC Barcode = 820650809378
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Celebrations Mini Tin - KALOS STARTERS (Fennekin, Froakie & Chespin) (3 Packs & More) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809378
We Pay: $2.00
Pokemon Celebrations Mini Tin - KANTO STARTERS (Squirtle, Bulbasaur & Charmander) (3 Packs & More) (
UPC Barcode = 820650809378
We Pay: $6.00
Pokemon Celebrations Mini Tin - SINNOH STARTERS (Turtwig, Chimchar & Piplup) (3 Packs & More) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809378
We Pay: $3.00
Pokemon Celebrations Mini Tin - UNOVA STARTERS (Tepig, Snivy & Oshawott) (3 Packs & More) (New)
UPC Barcode = 820650809378
We Pay: $3.00