Here you will find the listings for the TY Beanie Baby Cards that we are currently buying and the prices we are paying for them. We buy Boxes, Packs & some single loose cards.
Note: If the price is at $0.00 that means we are not buying that particular card at this time. It could change at a later time
Requirements to sell us Beanie Cards:
- Singles must be in Mint (or like new) condition. This means that the cards should be like new as if they came directly out the packs. They should have No bends, creases, scratches, marks, white edges, folds etc...
- Boxes and Packs must be factory sealed. The packaging must be clean and like new with no price stickers.
(Basically, If you kept your cards stored away & protected, then we are likely to purchase them. On the other hand, if your cards were used & played with, that caused them to get damaged then we can't use them)
We Pay: $0.50
We Pay: $0.50
We Pay: $6.00
We Pay: $0.25
We Pay: $2.00