Here you will find information about the Barbie products that we are currently buying and the prices we are paying for them. Values are updated weekly depending on desirability. We have over 2500 Barbies listes with prices.

You can view the individual listing prices for each Barbie and add the ones you want to sell to your basket. The easiest way to find Barbies is to search the UPC barcode that is on the box or type in the name of the Barbie itself.
It is usually easier to search the UPC barcode number. Typically only the last 5 or 6 digits is needed to locate the product.

Requirements to sell us Barbie items:
- Must be in new original packaging (unopened & sealed).
- Clean (no damage, yellowing, crushing or price stickers)
- Odor free (no smoke, animal scents or any other bad odor)

(Basically, If you kept your items stored away & clean, then we are likely to purchase them. On the other hand, if your items were used as toys and played with, then we most likely won't be interested in purchasing.)


Barbie Athena 2010

UPC Barcode = 027084822120

We Pay: $40.00

Barbie Astronaut

UPC Barcode = 007429901207

We Pay: $0.50

Barbie Astronaut (AA)

UPC Barcode = 007429901207

We Pay: $0.50

Barbie Astronaut 1985

UPC Barcode = 074299024498

We Pay: $10.00

Barbie All American

UPC Barcode = 074299094231

We Pay: $6.00

Barbie Amethyst Aura 1997

UPC Barcode = 074299155222

We Pay: $3.00

We Pay: $25.00

Barbie Anniversary African American 2003

UPC Barcode = 074299176081

We Pay: $0.50

Barbie Alvin Ailey American Dance 2009

UPC Barcode = 027084675290

We Pay: $25.00

We Pay: $10.00

We Pay: $3.00

Barbie All Around Home Kitchen Playset 2000

UPC Barcode = 026676675540

We Pay: $12.00

We Pay: $6.00

Barbie Army and Ken Deluxe Giftset 1993

UPC Barcode = 074299056260

We Pay: $8.00

We Pay: $15.00

Barbie Aviator AAFES Special Edition 2001

UPC Barcode = 074299560910

We Pay: $12.00

Barbie at Bloomingdale's

UPC Barcode = 074299162909

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie as Beauty 2000

UPC Barcode = 074299246739

We Pay: $3.00

Barbie American Beauties Collection Army

UPC Barcode = 074299039669

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie A Beautiful Pricess Just Like You!

UPC Barcode = 027084666625

We Pay: $0.50

Barbie American Beauty Queen

UPC Barcode = 074299031373

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie as Cinderella

UPC Barcode = 039897101422

We Pay: $6.00

We Pay: $2.00

We Pay: $3.00

Barbie A Christmas Carol 2008

UPC Barcode = 027084706604

We Pay: $8.00

Barbie Applause Collector

UPC Barcode = 074299034060

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie and Curious George 2001

UPC Barcode = 074299287985

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie Army 1992

UPC Barcode = 074299012341

We Pay: $6.00

Barbie Australian 1993

UPC Barcode = 074299036262

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie Andalucia 1996

UPC Barcode = 074299157585

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie Austrian 1999

UPC Barcode = 074299215537

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie April Diamond Blonde 2004

UPC Barcode = 027084123098

We Pay: $1.00

Barbie All Decked Out

UPC Barcode = 074299175688

We Pay: $6.00

Barbie Ashlynn Ella & Hunter Huntsman 2013

UPC Barcode = 098986136882

We Pay: $10.00

Barbie Air Force

UPC Barcode = 074299033605

We Pay: $2.00

Barbie Angel Face

UPC Barcode = 074299056406

We Pay: $6.00

Barbie at FAO

UPC Barcode = 074299172984

We Pay: $1.00

We Pay: $1.00

We Pay: $3.00

Barbie Air Force AA and Ken Giftset 1994

UPC Barcode = 074299115820

We Pay: $15.00

Barbie as Flower from The Nutcracker

UPC Barcode = 074299283758

We Pay: $2.00

Barbie Aladdin Fashion Game 1993

UPC Barcode = 074299107092

We Pay: $6.00